Machine Learning Research Bootcamp

Class Schedule: 12 classes from 8/15 - 8/29 everyday 7-8 PM EST

Description: Machine learning (ML) and AI is a rapidly advancing field of science, but just knowing ML/AI is not enough — you must know how to use it. This bootcamp will teach you the fundamentals of AI as well as advanced ML. You will experience conducting AI/ML research. By the end of the bootcamp, you would have produced a high-end ML model for a research project of your own. With newfound knowledge from this valuable opportunity, you will be equipped with the tools to continue pursuing AI/ML and compete in and win science fairs, such as the prestigious Regeneron ISEF.

Prerequisites: Python knowledge is not required; however, some programming experience is recommended.

Our Instructors

David Zhou

Amit Saha

  • ISEF 4th Place in Computational Bio
  • Regeneron STS Scholar
  • USNCO Finalist

Ankit Biswas

  • ISEF 3rd Place in Physics/Astronomy
  • Davidson Fellow

Vincent Huang

  • ISEF 2th Place in Material Science
  • AIME qualifier

Aiden Pan

  • ISEF Finalist in Physics/Astronomy
  • VEX Robotics World Top 20